
Versatile Maintenance Tracker (VMT) is programmed with Java to allow for minimal requirements while being cross-platform. Thus, the only requirement beyond a functional computer is Java 1.6.23 or newer.

Program Interface

VMT has four main parts - the menu, sidebar, desktop, and progress panel. The menu is similar to menus in other programs. The "New Entry" menu will allow for a new fuel or maintenance editor to be opened. "Switch Property" will change the selected property. When property selection is changing, all property specific windows must be closed. The "Tools" menu contains links to the "Preferences Editor" (explained later), a version checker, property archiver, and the removal of unused services and vendors. "About" contains this manual and the license page. The sidebar has two main sections - Logs and Setup. Pressing the section button will show/hide the icons in that section. The desktop is where all windows are displayed. Minimized windows are located at the bottom of the desktop. When VMT closes, it will check if any changes have been made, if so it can save the data file.

Maintenance Monitor

The Monitor is automatically displayed after a file is opened, and is updated by any change made while the file is open. If it is closed, it can be opened again by the icon labeled "Monitor" at the top of the sidebar. The Monitor can display either all property or the currently selected property. To modify this setting, go to Tools --> Preferences.

This window can be minimized, maximized, and closed. The only keyboard shortcut specific for this window is Ctrl + Shift + C to close the window.

Fuel Log

The Fuel Log icon is located under the "Logs" section of the sidebar. The Fuel Log will only show infomation pertinent to the currently selected property. At the top of this window is the list of all entries, showing the odometer/hour, date, distance to fuel ratio, fuel purchased, and fuel price. The lower half of the window displays all the information for the selected entry and a graph of the distance to fuel ratio. In the middle of the window is a bar to adjust the amount of the entry list to be shown. By default, as the window size changes, the top half changes and the bottom remains the same.

This window can be minimized, maximized, and closed. The keyboard shortcuts specific for this window are Ctrl + Shift + C to close the window, Ctrl + Shift + D to delete the selected entry, Ctrl + Shift + E to edit the selected entry, and Ctrl + Shift + N to create a new entry.

Fuel Editor

The Fuel Editor is accessed in two ways depending on the situation. To create a new fuel entry, go to New Entry --> Fuel or type Ctrl + F. The Fuel Log does not need to be active for a new fuel entry. To edit an existing fuel entry, open the Fuel Log, select the entry and go to Actions --> Edit Selected Entry or type Ctrl + Shift + E. When the window is closed, a prompt will appear to save the data.

The date can be modified by typing the date or using the up and down arrows on the right of the box. The arrows on the right increment the selected portion of the date. For example, if the month of July is selected, the up arrow will change only the month to August. If the month is December and the up arrow is pressed, the month and year will increment. The odometer/hour and the trip odometer/hour fields will default to a value of "#.##". The Vendor list can be typed into for a rapid search or use the drop-down box. Entering a name not in the list will allow for the addition of a new vendor. The octane field is always an integer. The fuel quantity and unit cost fields default to a value of "#.###". The total cost field will default to a value of "#.##". If two of the three previously listed fields have values, then the third field will be calculated. To recalculate a field, delete the value and move to another field. By default, the estimated entry check box is unchecked. By default, the editor assumes the tank was filled, if not, select "Partial Tank".

This window can be minimized and closed. The keyboard shortcuts specific for this window are Ctrl + Shift + D to discard the data and close the window and Ctrl + Shift + S to save the data and close the window.

Maintenance Log

The Maintenance Log icon is located under the "Logs" section of the sidebar. The Maintenance Log will only show infomation pertinent to the currently selected property. At the top of this window is the list of all entries, showing the odometer/hour, date, services, and comments. The lower half of the window displays all the information for the selected entry. In the middle of the window is a bar to adjust the amount of the entry list to be shown. By default, as the window size changes, the top half changes and the bottom remains the same.

This window can be minimized, maximized, and closed. The keyboard shortcuts specific for this window are Ctrl + Shift + C to close the window, Ctrl + Shift + D to delete the selected entry, Ctrl + Shift + E to edit the selected entry, and Ctrl + Shift + N to create a new entry.

Maintenance Editor

The Maintenance Editor is accessed in two ways depending on the situation. To create a new maintenance entry, go to New Entry --> Maintenance or type Ctrl + M. The Maintenance Log does not need to be active for a new maintenance entry. To edit an existing maintenance entry, open the Maintenance Log, select the entry and go to Actions --> Edit Selected Entry or type Ctrl + Shift + E. When the window is closed, a prompt will appear to save the data.

The date can be modified by typing the date or using the up and down arrows on the right of the box. The arrows on the right increment the selected portion of the date. For example, if the month of July is selected, the up arrow will change only the month to August. If the month is December and the up arrow is pressed, the month and year will increment. The odometer/hour field will default to a value of "#.##". The Vendor list can be typed into for a rapid search or use the drop-down box. Entering a name not in the list will allow for the addition of a new vendor. The total cost field will default to a value of "#.##". To select services, press the "Services..." button.

This window can be minimized and closed. The keyboard shortcuts specific for this window are Ctrl + Shift + D to discard the data and close the window and Ctrl + Shift + S to save the data and close the window.

The Service Selector displays the available services on the left and the selected services on the right. The arrows between the lists will move the highlighted services to the corresponding list. To add a one-time service, type the name into the "Unexpected Service:" field and press the "Add" button.

This window can be minimized and closed. The keyboard shortcuts specific for this window are Ctrl + Shift + D to discard the data and close the window and Ctrl + Shift + S to save the data and close the window.

Report Generator

The Report Generator icon is located under the "Logs" section of the sidebar and is not limited to the currently selected property. It has three major features. The first is the list of predefined reports located on the left. By default, only one is listed, "(Default)", and cannot be removed. This selection will place all information into a report. The second major feature includes the options section on the right and will be explained further in the next paragraph. Finally, the "Generate Report" button on the bottom left will use the selected options to generate the report and export the information to your default web browser.

The options section allows the selection criteria to be based on the date, odometer, property, fuel record, maintenance record, and vendor. Buttons on the left side will edit the selected option and the right side displays the currently selected options. Date selections include all available dates, the current or previous month, quarter, half, or year, or a specific range of dates. Odometer selections include all odometer values available or a specified range. Property selections can be any possible combination. Fuel selections may include a keyword search of the comments or exclusion of all fuel records. Maintenance selections may include a keyword search of the comments and unexpected maintenance or exclusion of all maintenance records. Also, any combination of predefined services is possible. Please note that the program will not permit the exclusion of both fuel and maintenance records, at least one of them must be used. Vender selections can be any possible combination.

This window can be minimized and closed. The keyboard shortcuts specific for this window are Ctrl + Shift + C to close the window, Ctrl + Shift + D to delete the selected entry, and Ctrl + Shift + S to save the selected entry.

Schedule Editor

The Schedule Editor icon is located under the "Setup" section of the sidebar. This window will add/remove maintenance schedules for the selected property. This window displays the available services on the left and the selected services on the right. The arrows between the lists will move the highlighted services to the corresponding list. The distance field will default to a value of "#.##". Below the distance field is the "Timed Interval"/"Calendar Date" selector. Only one of these can be used. The "Timed Interval" will add the specified years, months, and days to the last maintenance of that type and count-down to the calculated date. The "Calendar Date" will count-down to the specified month and day for each year. Either the distance or timing must have a value, or both. The "Duplicate Another Property" will cause the current list of selected services to be deleted and the selected list from another property inserted. The property choices listed for duplication are only those that are similar (i.e., odometer/fuel status).

This window can be minimized and closed. The keyboard shortcuts specific for this window are Ctrl + Shift + C to close the window and Ctrl + Shift + S to save the current entry's data.

Services Editor

The Services Editor icon is located under the "Setup" section of the Sidebar, and it effects the services list for all properties in the opened data file. The list on the left is all of the services available. If a category title is selected, the name of that category can be modified and the position of that category relative to other catagories can be moved. To modify the name of the category, change the name on the right and press the "Modify" button. To change the list order of the category, use the "Up" or "Down" button at the bottom right of the window. To create a category, a service must be created in the new category. When no services remain in a category, the category is deleted. Selecting a service will allow the selected service to be modified or deleted, or a new service created. When modifying a service, both the name and the category can be changed. If a category is entered that does not exist in the list, a new category is created. To create a new service, select any service and change the name, then press the "Add" button. The selected service will not be altered. Once a service is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

This window can be minimized and closed. The keyboard shortcut specific for this window is Ctrl + Shift + C to close the window.

Property Editor

The Property Editor icon is located under the "Setup" section of the Sidebar. The property list at the top will change the display at the bottom. To add a new property, type a name not in the list and press the enter key. The arrows on either side of the property list will change the order of the selected property. The property information is divided into three parts - General Information, Purchase Information, and a Picture.

The "General Information" tab allows for the name of the property to be changed by using the "Name" field. The "does not consume fuel" would be something such as a building. The maintenance will only be valid for timing. The "does not have an odometer" would be for something such as an airplane. Instead of measuring use in distance, the units are hours of use. The "English Units" consist of miles and gallons; whereas, the "Metric Units" consist of kilometers and liters. The "Year" field will only accept an integer value.

Under the "Purchase Information" tab, the date can be modified by typing the date or using the up and down arrows on the right of the box. The arrows on the right increment the selected portion of the date. For example, if the month of July is selected, the up arrow will change only the month to August. If the month is December and the up arrow is pressed, the month and year will increment. The odometer/hour field will default to a value of "#.##". The Vendor list can be typed into for a rapid search or use the drop-down box. Entering a name not in the list will allow for the addition of a new vendor. The total cost field will default to a value of "#.##".

The "Picture" tab will add/remove a picture of the property into the data file. This same picture will be displayed as the background for the program's desktop when the property is selected.

This window can be minimized and closed. The keyboard shortcuts specific for this window are Ctrl + Shift + C to close the window, Ctrl + Shift + N to create a new property, and Ctrl + Shift + S to save the data for the current property.

Vendor Editor

The Vendor Editor operates similar to the Property Editor. The vendor list at the top will change the display at the bottom. To add a new vendor, type a name not in the list and press the enter key.

This window can be minimized and closed. The keyboard shortcuts specific for this window are Ctrl + Shift + C to close the window, Ctrl + Shift + N to create a new vendor, and Ctrl + Shift + S to save the data for the current vendor.


To open the Preferences Editor, go to About --> Preferences. The Preferences Editor contains three tabs - "File", "Program", and "Colors". Under the "Actions" menu, are the ability to Apply, Reset, Save/Apply, and Close. Any changes made do not take effect until Apply is selected. Reset will take the preferences back to the last time they were saved. Save/Apply will apply the settings and save to the preferences file (located in the user's home directory).

The "File" tab will set which file to open on program startup, the maximum number of data file backups to create, and to automatically save the data file on exit.

The "Program" tab will make adjustments to the program itself. The "Startup Size" panel defines what size the program should be when it starts. Either choose to maximize it or specify the height and width. The "Internal Window Size" specifies the sizes of internal windows when they start. The only ones affected by this option are the Maintenance Monitor, Fuel Log, and Maintenance Log. The program is capable of checking if a newer version is available on startup, which is selected here. The "Monitor should show ..." list is discussed in the Maintenance Monitor section of this manual.

The "Colors" tab will change the colors of the program.

The window can be minimized and closed. The only keyboard shortcuts specific for this window are Ctrl + Shift + A to apply the settings, Ctrl + Shift + C to close the window, and Ctrl + Shift + S to apply and save the preferences.

Property Archiving

The earlier versions of VMT allowed property not in use to be considered inactive. This has been removed and replaced with the ability to archive a property. What happens when archiving a property is that VMT will copy all necessary information about the chosen property into a new file. Only the minimum amount of information is copied. Thus, any services and vendors not used by the archived property will not be copied. After archival, the property is removed from the active file. Once a property is archived, there is not a way to combine two files together. The archived file can be opened in VMT as a read-only file.


If you encounter any problems with VMT, please report it. Using the forums provided by Sourceforge are preferred.

The error log can be found by searching your computer for "VMT.err".

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt + Xexit program
Alt + 1...9switch to property based on numerical order
Ctrl + Fcreate a new fuel entry
Ctrl + Mcreate a new maintenance entry
Ctrl + Nnew file
Ctrl + Oopen file
Ctrl + Ssave file
Ctrl + Shift + Cclose active internal window
Ctrl + Shift + Ddelete selected entry (Fuel/Maintenance Log)
discard data and close active internal window
Ctrl + Shift + Eedit selected entry (Fuel/Maintenance Log)
Ctrl + Shift + Ssave data and/or close active internal window